Camellia Redko


Project image

Duration: 24 hours

My Roles: Researcher, UX designer

Icon representing methods
Research Brainstorming Prototyping
Icon representing tools
Figma FigJam Adobe Photoshop

On November 5, 2022, I participated in a 24-hour hackathon called Gastro Hackathon, where my team worked on a mobile augmented reality quest for Christmas market rewards and discounts. My team members included Astha Upadhyay, Corey Tran, Bharat Krishna Venkitachalam, Marie Oppitz, and Taisiia Rekhova. I was in charge of researching gamification elements, motivational mechanisms, and data related to Christmas markets, and I worked on a Figma prototype with team members.


Austrian Christmas markets have been facing financial difficulties

With the onset of COVID-19, global commerce entities, both large and small, saw a decrease in sales, resulting in a loss of net profit. At the same time, sectors of tourism were hit with a reduction in local and international visitors to cultural experiences. Specifically, in Austria, tourism accounted for 7.5% of GDP in 2019 but decreased to 5.5% in 2020 [1]. Christmas markets help drive tourism, so we wanted to figure out how to strengthen buying behaviors within Austria's numerous Christmas markets.


A mobile augmented reality quest for Christmas market rewards and discounts

Information about our approach List of business prospects


Brainstorming and collecting ideas

In order to figure out how to strengthen buying behaviors within Austria's Christmas markets, my group spent the first couple of hours brainstorming ideas with the online whiteboard FigJam. We first considered the business model canvas, researched Christmas markets and incentives, and jotted down project ideas. We then reflected on app name ideas and worked on a mood board as I continued researching gamification elements, motivational mechanisms, personalized recommendations, data related to Christmas markets, and visitor motivations for attending Christmas markets (my research notes can be viewed here).

Our figjam board for ideation


Our outcome

Our prototype is a mobile augmented reality app that is incorporated into the Christmas market ecosystem to create opportunities in the market for new and past market attenders alike. It allows users to experience the culture of Christmas markets in a novel way, while receiving rewards in the form of market discounts and exciting goods. With the Advent Calendar game incorporated into the app, users will have to enter the Christmas market premises to acquire their weekly calendar rewards. The increase in users within this ecosystem means that more individuals will be interacting with the market, thereby completing further transactions with vendors without being pressured to do so.


Lessons learned

Participating in a hackathon had been an incredibly rewarding journey, allowing me to develop valuable skills and insights that have shaped my growth as a researcher, designer, and problem solver. Here are some of the most impactful lessons I've learned through this experience:

1. There is value in breaking down challenges. I came to appreciate the power of breaking down complex challenges into manageable components through this hackathon. I learned to approach problems systematically, brainstorm innovative solutions, and creatively address obstacles to arrive at effective results.

2. In the face of unexpected challenges, it is worth adjusting strategies. Sometimes, I came across unexpected challenges in this hackathon, which taught me the value of adaptability. I learned to adjust strategies and remain resilient when faced with unforeseen obstacles, ultimately enhancing my problem-solving toolkit.

3. Setbacks are part of the journey. Overcoming challenges and setbacks during this hackathon taught me the importance of resilience, and I've learned to persevere and adapt in order to achieve my goals.


  1. [1] National Data Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Wirtschaft. Available at:
  2. [2] Andreas B. Eisingerich, André Marchand, Martin P. Fritze, and Lin Dong. 2019. Hook vs. hope: How to enhance customer engagement through gamification. International Journal of Research in Marketing 36, 2, 200–215. DOI:


